High Pressure Turbine

The high pressure turbine is the part of a turboshaft engine which absorbs the combustion chamber gas flow and converts it into mechanical shaft power or torque. It shares the same axle with the high pressure compressor.

The GE LM6000 high pressure turbine (HPT) is an air-cooled, two-stage design with demonstrated high efficiency. The high pressure turbine system consists of the high pressure turbine rotor and the stage 1 and stage 2 high pressure turbine nozzles. The high pressure turbine assembly drives the high pressure compressor rotor by extracting energy from the hot-gas path stream.

The high pressure turbine rotor assembly consists of the stage 1 disk and integral shaft, a conical impeller spacer with cover, a thermal shield and a stage 2 disk. Forward and aft rotating air seals are assembled to the high pressure turbine rotor and provide air-cooled cavities around the rotor system. An integral coupling nut and pressure tube is used to form and seal the internal cavity. The rotor disks and blades are cooled by a continuous flow of compressor-discharged air. The air is directed to the internal cavity of the rotor through diffusor vanes that are part of the forward seal system.

The stage 1 disk/shaft design combines the rotor forward shaft and stage 1 disk a one-piece unit. Torque is transmitted to the compressor rotor through an internal spline at the forward end of the disk/shaft. The stage 1 blades fit into axial, dovetail slots in the disk. The stage 2 disk incorporates a flange on the forward side for transmitting torque to the stage 1 disk. An aft flange supports the aft air seal and the integral coupling nut and pressure tube. Stage 2 blades fit into axial, dovetail slots in the disk.

Internally cooled turbine blades are used in both stages. Both stages of blades are cooled by compressor-discharged air flowing through the blade shank into the air foil. The cone-shaped impeller spacer serves as the structural support between the turbine disks. The spacer also transmit torque from the stage 2 disk to the stage 1 disk. The catenary-shaped thermal shield forms the outer portion of the turbine rotor cooling air cavity and serves as the rotating portion of the interstage gas path seal.

As you can see, the high pressure turbine lies between the combustor and the low pressure turbine and it is mounted on the high pressure compressor axle