Friday, March 22, 2024

Cathode X-Ray Tube

The cathode x-ray tube is basically made up of a cathode and an anode, a tungsten filament and a tungsten target, and a focusing cup, all wrapped up in the void, glass X-ray tube. This is used to make plain radiography and it was an important scientific development for medicine.

As you can see, the physics of X-ray generation is still the same. What are X-rays? They are photons, which are a kind of electromagnetic radiation. These photons are generated from an X-ray tube. They are directed to the appropriate area by the radiographic technician. When the X-rays go through the body, they are reduced in intensity by the tissues. But those X-rays that gets through the tissues interact with the photographic film.

Down below, you can see a drawing or diagram of a cathode ray tube for the production of X-rays.



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