General Electric TF34

The General Electric TF34 is a twin-shaft turbofan jet engine designed and developed at the end of the 1960s to power the S-3 Viking and the A-10 Thunderbolt II. The GE TF34 consists of a single-stage fan, a 14-stage high pressure (HP) compressor, a 4-stage low pressure (LP) turbine, a 2-stage high pressure (HP) turbine, and an annular combustor.

The TF34-GE-400A is rated at 9,275 lbf (41.26 KN) static thrust. Designed in 1967, the TF34 was first used to power an aircraft in flight in 1971. It is used by the U.S. Air Force A-10 and had a growing civil market. The civil version of the TF34 was designated the CF34.

More than 460 TF34 engines are in service today with the US Navy and more than 1,050 are in service with the US Air Force. With more than 11 million fleet hours, the TF34 is projected to remain in service beyond 2028. It is constantly being improved using new materials.

Specifications of the General Electric TF34

Type: axial flow bypass turbofan engine

Length: 2.62 m

Diameter: 1.12 m

Dry weight: 758 kg

Compressor: 14-stage compressor

Turbine: 4-stage LP turbine; 2-stage HP turbine

Combustor: annular

Maximum thrust: 9,275 lb

Mass flow: 338 lbs/sec

Power-to-weight ratio:

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